Breaking News from the prestigious Boston Courier :
Former Global Senior market place director of 33 years at Nike, Frank Chase straight from retirement, has joined VOTWears advisory board.
Chase helped pioneer Nike into the world’s greatest fitness brand in the 80s with revolutionaries Phil Knight and Sonny Vaccaro, and transformed the way we know the brand today. This year, he joined the advisory board of VOTWear, "Smart Training Apparel Brand of the Year 2021" by the prestigious Global Healthcare & Pharma Magazine and "Invention of the year 2019" during the Medical Congress by the Union of Practitioners for Complementary and Alternative medicine.
In the 1980s, Nike was changing the game - literally. Innovating sneaker and clothing technology was all Nike spent doing in the 80s, and Frank Chase was one of the cornerstones for the success. Before it was the multi-billion dollar machine that it is today, Nike was designing new models of shoes and sponsoring colleges and sports teams, trying to innovate training and sportswear however they could. Frank Chase, who has even had part in designing a few of Nike’s innovative shoes, starting by being a key salesman for larger accounts, working his way to the Western US Sales Director, and eventually becoming a senior director and the US Marketplace Sales Director.

Frank Chase - Former Nike Global Senior market place Director of 33 years.
Chase recently retired in 2020, and has decided to lend all his knowledge and expertise to a new and upcoming brand, VOTwear, a SmartWear brand that brought us the world's first bfr-training wear. VOTwear and Chase have entered a partnership, where he will be acting heavily on the advisory board. “It would be an honor to be a part of the Advisory board,” Chase said of his addition, made by VOTWear Co founder and executive Chairman Dr. Mehdi Ettehadulhagh.

VOTWear was created by a small Oslo-based team of 5 doctors, 4 pro-athletes, 2 medical students and 1 physiotherapist, and has grown into a multi-continental based brand in the last years while just breaking the barrier. VOTWear has innovated Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training by innovating textile engineered BFR-bands that are integrated directly into the upper arm of their SmartWear, as well as equivalent innovations soon rolling out for their tights. This general training technique of occlusion training has been endorsed and used by NFL and pro athletes alike for a better workout, and for an increased recovery time when injured.
The HTM1 (Hypertrophy manually-adjustable 1) was their first smartwear tech invention to hit the market - and with more upcoming, VOTWear is about to disrupt the market. Seen in multiple sites from, ABC, GQ, Wired, The Wall Street Journal and many more, the brand’s next step after becoming the world's first award winning and leading occlusion training smart wear is just adding more fuel to the rocketship.

Sneak peak of votwears next gen undisclosed SmartWear tights and worlds first bfr shirt
When VOTWear was created by Dr. Mehdi Ettehadulhagh in 2019 with his brothers, they had a vision about what role clothing should play in our daily lives, and what working out would become, what it should be, and how that is possible. After assembling a team of pro athletes, doctors, and physiotherapists, they came up with the breakthrough product, the HTM1 Shirt. Innovation in smartwear is Dr. Ettehadulhagh’s mission and goal for VOTwear. BFR training is relatively new to the market, but is quickly being adopted in gyms around the world, and brands eyeing VOTWear are looking to compete with the revolutionary company.
With Frank Chase's experience and knowledge for incredible innovation in smartwear, by joining Team-Votwear there is no telling explosive things might get in the coming months to years!

Perhaps even keep an eye out for when this private brand hits the nasdaq?
We will definitely keep an eye out and watch them at